Spicy Margarita Messaging is the exact framework and program that you need to create specific and direct content that gets you paid every single day.
TRUST ME, I work with a lot of online marketers and one thing I know is, You MUST craft a Spicy and Sexy message to Stand out online in 2023.
Want to be seen as a leader? Then you need to understand that Your opinion matters to your ideal client which is why you NEED a good recipe to stand out! The Salt Chilli Tequila Cocktail isn't for everyone, but those who LOVE IT.... LOVE IT!!!!! You need to bring your social media game UP and a SPICY MARG MESSAGE will bring fun excitement and an unforgettable voice to your brand.
Honestly, this is what NOT to do!!!!
When I copied the gurus and trending sounds, I lost who I was and my I ideal clients would scroll past me, unfollowing me along the way! I wasn’t stepping up as an expert I was blending in like a sheep, and my sales were crickets because someone else was using their voice better than I was. It’s not a trending sound that we build your Brand. It’s your unique voice that will stand the fuck out online .
A trending sound could build you followers, of course, but that doesn't mean 'sales'. If you focus on only building followers, you’re gonna stuff up your algorithm. The question is, Do you want to grow and WAIT for sales or do you want to be specific with your message and 10 x your sales.
Your voice is what will build your brand to the strongest most experienced authority online.
Babe, I’m not here to be a people pleaser. I’m not here to be a chameleon.
In fact, that’s exactly the opposite to what I do. I teach you how to take your unique style, your brand and your voice and go BIG! I’m not here to fluff around. I’m not here to blow smoke up your bum. I’m here to help you build your confidence so that You build a strong and fulfilling brand just like a delicious Spicy Margarita, you’re not everyone’s taste, but when you come across someone that loves you, they love YOU, say YES to ALL your offers and become your BIGGEST FAN and it is absolutely no vanilla milkshake along the way.
I believe that content can sell without having to use a sales call or a cold message to convert someone into buying your offer
Step one. You get better at understanding your ideal client, if you’re not prepared to do that this isn’t the program for you
Step two. You must have good framework. This is what the Spicy Margarita Messaging recipe is, it is the exact framework that you need to write great captions, build great content that is specific to your ideal client that leads to somebody DM-ing you and saying I’m ready, I’m in, where’s the link? or you seeing a Stripe or PayPal notification come through because someone has gone through the sequence of your content and it’s been Spicy AF for them that they can't say NO, they HAVE TO BE IN YOUR OFFER!
You must know and understand your ideal client
You must know and understand your ideal clients problems
You must know and understand your ideal clients solutions, which is more than likely the product that you were offering.
The problem is your content right now. Your content is Vanilla and you're convincing people to work with YOU, the fact is, NOBODY want to be told what to do!.
STOP DOING THIS, STOP CONVINCING YOUR AUDIENCE, Why your offer is the solution that they need, instead create captivating content that helps you write EPIC content that magnetises with your unique voice.
This is exactly what we’re gonna do in Spicy Margarita I'm gonna show you how to bring this idea to life.
Word of warning babe, you must stick as close to the script framework as possible, keep it simple! Stick to being specific, you can not go back to your old ways after doing Spicy Margarita Messaging, you will not go back to your old vague and fluffy content is no longer part of your programming.
This program is designed to...
🌶️ Teach you to get better at your marketing
🌶️ To teach you to get better at messaging,
🌶️ To teach you to get better at bringing your voice to life
🌶️ To teach you to get better at being the authority
🌶️ To teach you to get better at being the expert
💸➡️ I know that you want people to look at your content and then send you a Dm saying 'I’m in'
💸➡️ I know that you want to post content and then see a Stripe notification come through
💸➡️ I know that you want to write better copy
💸➡️ I know that the message that you’re riding right now doesn’t feel like it’s hitting the mark for you either which is exactly what you gotta learn in this program
The Logistics
- Access to the Kajabi Support Modules to get you started as soon as you sign up.
- Workbook for you to work through your message and scripts.
- 2 Calls over 2 sessions to run through the 'how to's and bounce ideas off others on the calls (replays in your Kajabi platform).
- Fb Group to gain access to script tweaks & bumps
The Investment
3 x $147/month
The Process
You login to your Kajabi Portal & access the modules & worbook.
Fb is there for support and to help with your script writing.
Access to the Masterclass and workbook ‘Stand the Fk out’ Branding worth $197 aud, so hit that purchase button NOW or you'll miss out on mega value #truestory